At the Wednesday, October 14, 2020 City Council Meeting, the Council was able to recognize several significant events.
Mayor Goodwin presented a proclamation in recognition of Italian Heritage and Culture Month. On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, the Town raised the Italian Flag at the Colma Community Center. Mayor Goodwin and Council Member Fisicaro were present, as well as many community members, including a contingent of Italian American members of the Colma Fire Protection District, and representatives from the Caribinieri, a military police branch of the Italian Armed Forces. Mayor Goodwin and Council Member Fisicaro made remarks, as well as Leo Pierini, President of the California Columbia Association and Honorary Caribinieri, Marcellino Gemelli of the Caribinieri, and Reno Taini, a longtime community member and coiner of the Town’s motto: “It’s Great to be Alive in Colma!”
October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. City Council presented a proclamation honoring ALLICE Kumares and Kumpares, an invaluable community partner in the fight to end intimate partner violence. President of ALLICE Allen Capella and Council Member del Rosario, a longtime member of ALLICE, made remarks. Please see their flyer for more educational opportunities.
And finally, Council recognized and thanked our Recreation and Public Works Team for their help delivering food pantry boxes to our senior residents. Since April they have delivered over 1855 boxes. Colma is so happy to be able to provide this service to our community and proud that we have such a dedicated staff!