Community Open House: Serramonte Blvd/Collins Ave Master Plan

You’re invited to the Serramonte Boulevard/Collins Avenue Master Plan community open house and presentation
Date: May 22, 2019
Open House Time: 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Presentation: 12:15 pm
Location: Colma Town Hall, 1198 El Camino Real, Colma CA 94014
The Town of Colma is in the process of preparing a Master Plan for the Serramonte Blvd. and Collins Ave. corridors. The plan will outline a vision for this key commercial district and provide guidance for strategic improvements in how the corridors look and feel, and how people and vehicles move around the area. This is an opportunity to provide your thoughts on the corridor plans updated by the planning team in response to past community and City Council feedback. A brief presentation will be given at 12:15 pm to describe the updated corridor plans, review traffic analysis and describe parking improvements. Time before and after the presentation will be open for attendees to provide input for consideration in the refinement of the designs.
Lunch will be provided for attendees.
Please join us! RSVP by Tuesday, May 21 to Lia Vang by phone or email 650.757.8888
If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact:
Abdulkader Hashem, Contract Associate Engineer/Project Manager
Public Works Department
1198 El Camino Real
Colma, CA 94014 | 650.757.8888