Eggstravaganza 2024

The Town of Colma Recreation Services Department presents the annual EGGSTRAVAGANZA! Join us at Sterling Park for our ever popular Egg Hunt! We’ll have refreshments, treats, and prizes for kids.
•Egg Hunt Registration will begin at 9:00am
•0-3-year-olds* will hunt at 9:30am
•4-6-year-olds will hunt at 9:40am
•7-9-year-olds will hunt at 9:50am
•10 years and over will hunt at 10:00am
*Ages 0-3 will be allowed to gather eggs with the help of one adult. For all other sessions, adults are asked to wait on sidelines, while their child(ren) hunt.
If you plan on attending the Eggstravaganza, please R.S.V.P. to the Colma Community Center (650) 985-5678 or Sterling Park Recreation Center (650) 991-3213 by Friday, March 22, 2024. Remember to bring your egg collecting basket. For more information, please contact the Town of Colma Recreation Services Department.