FY 2015-16 ADA Transition Plan Update
In Fiscal Year 2015-16 the Transition Plan identified removing interior barriers at Town Hall. The barriers scheduled to be removed are the non-compliant upstairs restrooms and the noncompliant doorway leading into the office area from the foyer. The estimated cost to remove these barriers was $212,000.
At the March 2013 City Council meeting, City Council amended the ADA Transition Plan postponing all ADA work scheduled at Town Hall until a comprehensive review could be conducted, completed and presented to City Council. In November 2015 the City Council broke ground on the New Town Hall capital improvement project which is scheduled for completion in 2017. When completed, the Town Hall campus will be compliant under the ADA.
In March, Town staff participated in customer service training in terms of accommodating those with disabilities when they visit the Town’s facilities or contact us by telephone. ADA customer service tool kits and hand outs were forwarded to each department head and facility.
Check the Physical Barrier’s Removed document that details the accessibility issue, action taken, and the estimated and actual cost of removing the barrier.
For information regarding accessible services at Town Hall please contact the ADA Coordinator at 650-997-8300.