Letter from Mayor to Graduating Class of 2020

Posted on May 22, 2020

May 22, 2020


Dear Graduating Class of 2020,

On behalf of the Town of Colma City Council, I would like to extend to each of you our heartfelt congratulations and admiration for your incredible accomplishment this year despite the challenges resulting from the COVID-19 virus.

You make us proud for your perseverance and sheer determination to make the best of this year especially during the last nine weeks of sheltering in place. We know this is not the type of graduation anyone would have imagined or wanted just a few months ago.  A “virtual” graduation or a “drive by” graduation is what will occur in the days ahead for the class of 2020.

The members of the high school class of 2020 came into this world just a short time after 9/11.

Now, the world is responding to a pandemic.  These events have disrupted how we go about our daily lives.  Events like 9/11 or the COVID-19 pandemic, though, should not change the person you are.  Many of you have spent the past few months volunteering in our community, reaching out to friends and elderly family members suffering the effects of Sheltering in Place, and even doing your part as a front-line worker.

This compassion for others and willingness to serve in the time of need will stay with you the rest of your lives.  The choice that each of you face right now is what to do next.  Whether you want to jump right in to the workforce, travel around the world, go to a trade school, start your own business, serve in the military, or continue on to earn an advanced degree, that choice is yours.

You and fellow graduates across the Nation will go down in history as the generation “that could and did” with the support of dedicated educators and parents.  Your use and mastery of virtual learning technology was a highly successful first, that establishes a precedent for the future.

Will your lives have no further obstacles that interrupt your plans like the COVID-19 pandemic?  No, you will have obstacles that may be as great or greater as the one our world faces right now.  But you must face these problems with determination and a steadfast refusal to not let anything stand in your way.

We have faith that each of you will make a difference in this nation and in this world of ours.   Congratulations on your achievements Class of 2020!



John Irish Goodwin, Mayor

PDF Letter 05.22.20

Date and time:
Location: Letter from Mayor to Graduating Class 2020
Department: Letter from Mayor to Graduating Class 2020Date and time:
Location: Letter from Mayor to Graduating Class 2020
Department: Letter from Mayor to Graduating Class 2020

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