Letter to Community from Mayor 03.31.20

Posted on March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020


Colma Community,

As we adjust to this new normal, it’s hard to believe that we are now in our 15th day of a shelter-in-place order from the County. I can’t stress the importance of adhering to the County and State order. For many, there are still more questions than answers. The State of California has issued specific guidelines for the shelter in place public health order. This article and video provides an easy to follow interpretation of the requirements. As a reminder, we are allowed to travel for essential needs, such as emergencies, food purchases, or to help a family member in need. You can walk, bike, or hike in your neighborhood, but please adhere to the social distancing requirements. Please do not call 911 for social distancing violations and please help each other and educate each other on ways to stay safe during this time.

San Mateo Strong

The County of San Mateo has worked with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation to create a San Mateo County-specific fund named the San Mateo County Strong Fund. The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors made an important vote this past week to approve an initial $3 million in Measure K funds to launch the San Mateo County Strong Fund.  The purpose of this fund will be to address the swift and unexpected impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic at a very local level by helping the following most-impacted groups:

We are asking folks who are able to do so, please make a tax-deductible donation today at www.SMCStrong.org to support individuals and families, non-profits serving our most vulnerable residents, small business owners, and self-employed residents hit hardest by California’s state-wide COVID-19 Shelter in Place order.

ALL money donated will stay inside San Mateo County and not one penny will go elsewhere, so you can have confidence that you are helping your neighbors and the local small business and self-employed people in your community.  In challenging times like this, it’s more important than ever that we all pull together in San Mateo County.  Donate today at www.SMCStrong.org

Give Blood  

American Red Cross reports that they have experienced 250,000 fewer blood donations nationally since the onset of coronavirus – but the need for it continues. If you are feeling healthy and well, and feel a call to assist your community, please consider donating blood by making an appointment using the Red Cross Blood Donor App found in your app store, visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

As always, the Town of Colma is here for you. We have set up a dedicated webpage, https://www.colma.ca.gov/covid-19/ which is updated often with new information and resources. We can also be reached at (650) 997-8300.



John Irish Goodwin, Mayor

Town of Colma

Letter in PDF

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