LiveWire – December 2023

Posted on December 1, 2023

City Manager’s Update
Daniel Barros, City Manager

Happy Holidays! As you know, the Holiday Season brings several special events to this great community. For specific event information, please call the Colma Community Center at 650.985.5678 or visit our website at for event days and times. The reorganization of the City Council has also been scheduled for December 12th at 6:00 pm at Town Hall. The meeting is open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend this annual event as the Council selects the new Mayor and Vice Mayor. Cake and coffee will be served. We hope to see you there!

On November 7th, the City Council and Town Staff hosted the Veteran’s Day Recognition Event at Veteran’s Village on Mission Road. The event was held to honor the many men and women who served our country in observance of Veteran’s Day. The City Council recognized and honored one new veteran to the Town of Colma’s Veteran’s Dedication Plaque that is proudly displayed at the Colma Community Center. The event was concluded with a wonderful BBQ that was hosted by our Recreation Department Staff. We are so grateful that the men and women who served our country now reside at Veteran’s Village. Thank you for your service.

As we say goodbye to 2023 and usher in 2024, next year the Town of Colma is set to celebrate its 100th year anniversary since being incorporated as a municipality.  In addition to the Town’s existing annual events, we will be hosting a few additional events throughout this upcoming year to celebrate the long history of the Town.  We will be hosting a Town fair with a parade, a Town mixer, and 100th Year Anniversary Town Picnic that will not be anything like years past.  In addition to these wonderful events planned next year, the Town has also commissioned the services of a local artist who will begin painting the F Street Wall with a mural that encapsulates the towns rich history over the past 100 years.  You will begin seeing some activity in the area of F Street nearest its intersection with El Camino Real this month and the mural is anticipated to be complete by the end of April 2024.

A Citizen’s Right to Engage with the Town
Christopher J. Diaz, City Attorney

Did you know that as a citizen of the Town of Colma, you have the right under California law to engage with your Town government?  Every citizen in Colma has the right to engage under state laws known as the Brown Act and the Public Records Act.

For example, under the Ralph. M. Brown Act, the public has the right to attend a City Council meeting and make public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council.  The Brown Act was enacted in 1953 to guarantee the public’s right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies, such as the City Council.  The Brown Act was proposed by then Senator Ralph M. Brown after concerns were expressed about government doing business behind closed doors without public participation. Out of this concern, the Brown Act was enacted. Today, the Town of Colma is a strong believer in open and honest government, and the Town ensures all members of the public can attend and comment at every City Council meeting.

In addition to the Brown Act, the California Public Records Act provides an opportunity for any member of the public to inquire about certain records held by the Town. Although the Town provides all documents necessary for any member of the public to learn all about items on a City Council agenda, if the public was ever curious about a past contract or other document, the public can ask the Town for a copy of that record.  Please keep in mind that state law does allow the Town to withhold certain records from the public.  Those records might include active police investigation files as releasing those records could jeopardize a police investigation, or other records that might jeopardize Town business if justified by the law.

We hope to see all of you at a future City Council meeting or other Town event!

Click here to read the rest of the LiveWire Newsletter!

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