City Manager’s Update
Brian Dossey, City Manager
As you all know by now California has formally retired the tier system and has aligned its policies with the Centers for Disease Control – With that said, I cannot tell you all how excited I am that our Town Facilities will re-open to the public on Tuesday, July 6. If you are in the area of Town Hall, the Recreation or Community Center or Police Station, please stop by, we would love to see you. While at this time we will not be requiring face coverings for vaccinated individuals, we will be requiring face covering for unvaccinated individuals when entering Town facilities. So if you have not received your vaccine yet, please do so right away.
Also, there are no longer capacity or distancing requirements for most businesses and public settings; however, regardless of vaccine status everyone must still wear a face covering in the following settings:
- On public transit(buses, ride-shares, taxis, airplanes, trains, ferries)
- Indoors in K-12 schools, child care, and other youth settings
- Health care settings and long-term care facilities
- Correctional facilities and detention centers
- Homeless shelters, emergency shelters, cooling centers
Businesses, other public agencies, and other organizations may still require face coverings, for both employees and members of the public.
With Summer comes the Town’s new fiscal year – which begins July 1. In preparation for the new fiscal year, the City Council approved the Town’s annual budget in June. The annual budget hearing is the culmination of many months of hard work by Colma staff, and the document reflects the Council’s commitment to providing high quality services to our residents.
The good news is that the Town’s financial picture is starting to look better as we emerge from the pandemic. However we are not quite back to pre Covid-19 revenues as the economy continues to recover, and we are budgeted to operate in a budget deficit in fiscal year 2021-22. This will require the Town to use a portion of the reserves to balance the operating budget. Once again, the good news is due to the City Council’s financial prudence over the years and staff’s hard work and commitment, there are reserves that the Town can draw from during emergencies like the Covid-19 pandemic.
For FY2021-22 the Town anticipates receiving $19.3 million in revenues for all funds and spending $20.875 million in Operating ($18.5 million) and Capital ($1.1 million) expenditures. The budget also expects a transfer of $1.7 million from the General Fund to finance Capital Improvement Projects and debt service.
The FY 2021-22 Budget anticipates using $1.5 million in the General Fund Reserves to balance the budget. For more information on the budget please visit the Town’s website at
Keep Your Vehicles Safe From Theft
John Munsey, Chief of Police
The summer months often bring an increase in thefts, especially from vehicles, as owners are on the move. As the state begins to reopen following the coronavirus shutdown, more and more people will be shedding their “cabin fever” during the next few months and getting out to enjoy the nice weather and recreational activities. With that, the threat of thefts from vehicles increases.
Vehicle break-ins and thefts are not limited to malls and big cities, even small towns like ours see their share of thefts. During the spring and summer months, neighborhoods historically experience an elevated number of thefts from vehicles. During these thefts, the perpetrator(s) typically target unlocked vehicles where valuables are visible from the outside and/or easily located inside the vehicle. These individuals generally rely on their ability to access many vehicles while circulating through the neighborhood and therefore rarely force entry for fear of making noise and risking detection.
The community can help prevent thefts by contacting the Colma Police Department and reporting suspicious activity during the overnight hours and immediately report an incident if someone has entered your vehicle or property. Below are some tips on ways you can prevent your property from being stolen.
Vehicle Safety Tips:
- Always lock your doors and roll up your windows when you leave your car, even if it is parked in your garage
- Do not leave valuables in the car
- Before you get into your car, check the backseat and around the car. Lock your doors once inside the car
- Never leave an unattended car running, even if it is just for a moment
- Never leave any keys in your car or ignition
- Whenever possible try and park in a well-lit area at night
Parking Enforcement
With the opening of Town facilities on July 6th, 2021, the Police Department will be opening its lobby. During the pandemic, the necessity to close the lobby did not allow for residents of Sterling Park to obtain their Parking Permits and parking enforcement for permit violations was discontinued. The opening of the lobby will allow residents to obtain the needed permits. The Police Department will be giving residents a two-week period from July 6th to July 20th, 2021 before any enforcement will be conducted. So please if you need to update your permit come down to the Police Department and take care of it.