Brian Dossey, City Manager
I would like to thank everyone for working so hard to follow the Shelter in Place Order while remaining positive as we go through these unprecedented times. However, we are now asking that you continue to Shelter in Place through May in an effort to continue to flatten the curve and slow the spread of Covid-19. I know this will be even more difficult with the nicer weather coming up, but if we all continue to work together, and look out for one another, our community we’ll be stronger once this is over. Even though all you seem to hear is bad news related to COVID-19, I do want to share some positive news with you. Every week over the past few weeks Colma Recreation staff along with the Second Harvest Food Bank have been delivering boxes of food to Colma residents over sixty-five years (65) old. Just this past week a box of food was delivered to one hundred (100) households; that’s twenty (20) percent of the households in Colma. Also, The Colma Police Department and Colma Fire Protection District have been making our resident youth incredibly happy by doing Special Birthday Parades in front of their houses. Parents and children have been very appreciative of this since families cannot have traditional birthday parties for their children, with family and friends while the Shelter in Place Order is in effect. Please remember if you are in need of services please reach out to us at Town Hall and we’ll do everything we can to help you.
Residents are also relying on the critical services the Town provides, and we want you to know – we are here for YOU. The safety and well-being of our community is our top priority during these uncertain times. The Town is taking all of the precautions necessary to do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and provide the services our community needs the most. We must ensure that we continue to be prepared for any medical or catastrophic emergency including preparing our local Police Department, updating emergency communication systems and maintaining rapid 911 emergency response times. To continue to hear from you on current and future needs, we have launched The Colma Conversation at Please take a moment to complete a survey at
Lastly, it is not too late to shape your future; your participation in the 2020 Census directly effects the amount of federal funding Colma receives. Everyone counts and each unaccounted for resident costs the Town of Colma $1,000 per year in Federal funding for the next ten years. That is why we need every Colma resident to participate in the Census. The quality of our public services and the power of our voice in government depend on it. To learn more about the 2020 Census and how leaders across San Mateo County are working together to ensure a complete and accurate count, please visit or please see our insert in this issue of the May LiveWire.
Please remember, when you do go outside please wear a mask and protect yourself and others by social distancing. Be safe everyone.
Michael Laughlin, City Planner
Census 2020 – Please Respond!
The Town of Colma has been working with the Census Bureau over the last year to make sure that the Town’s address list and maps are correct for the 2020 Census. Only about half of Colma Residents responded to the Census forms mailed in March and April. This month and through the summer, census takers will be contacting residents. Please provide them with the information they request after they have properly identified themselves. Also, please go to the website to respond even if you discarded the mailing. Here is the link to the website: The questions are available in multiple languages. Please assist friends and family members in completing the Census if they are having trouble. Responses are confidential.
Every 10 years, people across the country and in California fill out the Census in order to have an accurate count of all people in the United States. The Census determines California’s federal funding for important community services that help support our families and fair share of representation in California and Washington D.C.
El Camino Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
The Town has been working with a consultant team to prepare a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan! Please review the website to look at ideas, offer your own ideas or ask a question on how to improve the El Camino Real. Here is a link to the website:
Residential Improvements and Planning
During the Shelter in Place Order, the Town has suspended inspection services for projects that are not essential for you to live safely in your home. You can still contact the Building Department at (650)757-8888 if you have questions or need advice. It is a good time to plan a remodeling project or catch up on other small projects you may have in mind like fixing up the yard, painting or fence repairs. Keep in mind that fence height is limited to no more than 4’ in the front yard and 6’ in-between houses the rear yard. Paving of entire front or rear yards is prohibited, and only a small 10’x12’ storage shed with a 6’ height is permitted in a back yard without approval or permits. Be considerate of neighbors when you need to use power or gardening tools by using them later in the morning and ending by 5 in the afternoon.
Please contact the Planning Department by email at or by phone (650)757-8888 if you have questions.