Regional Housing Needs Allocation (6th Cycle 2023-2031)

Regional Housing Needs Allocation (6th Cycle 2023-2031)

Fundamental to the Housing Element Update, is how the Town addresses its assigned fair-share of regional housing needs. This fair-share is determined through a regional housing needs allocation process.  HCD, with input from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), determines the region’s total housing need for the 2023-2031 period. ABAG then determines the housing allocation for each Bay Area city, town, and county through the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation.  The Housing Element Update must identify enough potentially developable land zoned for residential use to accommodate the Towns’s new RHNA allocation.

Colma’s draft allocation for the 2023-2031 period is 202 units, which is broken down by income group as shown in the table below.  To read more about the RHNA allocation methodology and process, visit ABAG’s RHNA page.

Income Group State Income Limits (4 person household) Proposed RHNA Allocation (Housing Units)
Very Low (30%-50% of Area Median Income) $91,350 44
Low  (50%-80% of Area Median Income) $146,350 25
Moderate (80%-120%  of Area Median Income) $149,600 37
Above Moderate (>120% of Area Median Income) $179,500 96
Total 202

 Source: HCD State Income Limits 2021 and State CDBG and Home Income Limits also available at

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