Rainwater Harvesting 101 Webinar

Posted on April 24, 2020

The City of Burlingame is co-hosting a Rainwater Harvesting 101 Webinar with SMCWPPP and BAWSCA. Because of the shelter-in-place order, we have removed the rain garden walking tour and changed the focus of this workshop to be on rain barrels. This workshop will now be online via Zoom and will be recorded so we can share this as a resource. Please feel free to forward this email or flier to anyone you think might be interested in joining us.

P.S. we will be conducting a live raffle where one lucky attendee will win a FREE 50-gallon rain barrel (to be delivered to your home).

When: Saturday, May 16 from 10:00 – 11:00am

Where: Online Webinar, registrants will be emailed details

How: Register online at http://bit.ly/rainwaterharvesting101

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