Archives: FAQs

Sustainability accomplishments

Saved over 1,000,000 Kwh of energy usage and reduced GHG emissions by 211 tons through our partnership with Ecology Action and PG&E for our businesses and municipal offices Colma has “Opted up to ECO 100”, and is purchasing 100% renewable energy for all Colma facilities. Colma is encouraging our businesses and residents to Opt up … Continued


Help shape the future of housing in Colma! Your opinion can help us set policies and programs to achieve housing needs for your community. Let your voice be heard! The survey will be active from 4/8/22 to 4/29/22. Submissions will be anonymous. Paper copies will be available at Town Hall and our various events. Link … Continued

San Mateo County City Selection Committee

The City Selection Committee is required to appoint city representatives to board, commissions, and agencies as required by law. (California Government Code §50270). City Selection Committee is comprised of Mayors of all 20 incorporated cities/towns in San Mateo County. For more information, please visit:

San Francisco International Airport Community Roundtable

The San Francisco International Airport/Community Roundtable was established in 1981 as a voluntary committee to address community noise impacts from aircraft operations at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The Roundtable monitors a performance-based noise mitigation program implemented by airport staff, interprets community concerns and attempts to achieve noise mitigation through a cooperative sharing of authority … Continued

Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance – “” Board of Directors’s mission is to reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by commuters to decrease congestion, improve the environment, and enhance quality of life. This is done by encouraging and supporting the use of sustainable alternatives to driving alone. They envision a region where all residents and employees have access to equitable, sustainable, affordable, … Continued

Peninsula Clean Energy Board of Directors

Peninsula Clean Energy is a community-controlled, not-for-profit, joint powers agency formed as a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program by San Mateo County and all 20 of its cities and towns in 2016, and joined by the City of Los Banos in 2020. As a CCA, Peninsula Clean Energy offers many environmental and economic benefits to … Continued

Emergency Services Council

The San Mateo Operational Area Emergency Services Council is comprised of all local governments within the geographic area of the County, special districts, unincorporated areas, and participating non-governmental entities. The purpose of the organization is to operate pursuant to Presidential Directive 5, the National Response Framework, National Incident Management System (NIMS), Presidential Directive 8, the … Continued

Colma Creek Flood Control District

The San Mateo County Flood Control District is a Countywide Special District that was created by State legislation in order to provide a mechanism to finance flood control projects. The legislation requires that a flood control zone be formed over an entire watershed and a proposed funding source be determined before a flood control project … Continued

City/County Association of Government (C/CAG)

C/CAG works on issues that affect the quality of life in general; transportation, air quality, stormwater runoff, airport/land use compatibility planning, hazardous waste, climate planning, energy and water resource strategies, and solid waste and recycling.  C/CAG operates as a Joint Powers Authority and has membership that includes each of the 20 cities and the County … Continued

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