Council Committee Assignments

In addition to their primary role as Elected Officials of the Town of Colma, the City Council Members serve on a variety of committees that involve the direct participation of its members in a host of local and regional issues and organizations. Below is a list of local and regional organizations the City Council serve on as Council members.

For a current list of assignments, click here: Current Council Committee Assignments

ABAG is part regional planning agency and part local government service provider. They accomplish their goals by providing planning services and cost-effective ABAG member services to local governments struggling with rising costs and diminishing incomes.

For more information, please visit:

The CCGA was formed in November 2019 by the City of Gardena and the City of Inglewood in an effort to give cities one collective voice when cardroom issues arise with the Attorney General or Bureau of Gambling Control.  The Town of Colma joined the CCGA in May 2020 in an effort to be effective when advocating for  proposed  changes  that  impact  cardrooms. The CCGA give the Town a united voice along with other cardroom cities in Sacramento when issues pertaining to the cardroom arise.

For more information, contact CCGA Executive Director Rudy Bermudez at

C/CAG works on issues that affect the quality of life in general; transportation, air quality, stormwater runoff, airport/land use compatibility planning, hazardous waste, climate planning, energy and water resource strategies, and solid waste and recycling.  C/CAG operates as a Joint Powers Authority and has membership that includes each of the 20 cities and the County in San Mateo County.

For more information, please visit:

The San Mateo County Flood Control District is a Countywide Special District that was created by State legislation in order to provide a mechanism to finance flood control projects. The legislation requires that a flood control zone be formed over an entire watershed and a proposed funding source be determined before a flood control project is undertaken.  Recent changes in the State Constitution require an election if a flood control zone is to be financed with property assessments or taxes.  The Colma Creek Flood Control Zone was created in 1964 to construct flood control facilities in Colma Creek to alleviate flooding in the City of South San Francisco. Originally the project extended from Mission Road in South San Francisco approximately three miles to San Francisco Bay.

To report direct discharges in Colma Creek, contact Julie Casagrande at or 650-363-4100.

For more information, please visit:

The San Mateo Operational Area Emergency Services Council is comprised of all local governments within the geographic area of the County, special districts, unincorporated areas, and participating non-governmental entities. The purpose of the organization is to operate pursuant to Presidential Directive 5, the National Response Framework, National Incident Management System (NIMS), Presidential Directive 8, the National Preparedness Goal and California’s Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and local adopted Emergency Operations Plans and Annexes. The Emergency Services Councils collective goal is to provide coordinated plans for the protection of persons and property based on the five phases of emergency management, prevention, protection, response, recovery and mitigation; and support existing regional Public Information and Notification systems to include SMC Alert and TENS, as well as other Situational Awareness Tools; and, to continue to support the regional hazardous materials emergency response program.

For more information, please visit:

The MAC is composed of 9 city HEART Board Members and a City Council member from each member city that does not have a representative on the HEART Board. The purpose of the MAC is to engage with cities that are not on the HEART Board and to provide them with the opportunity to comment on HEART’s financial and program activities.

For more information, please visit:

Peninsula Clean Energy is a community-controlled, not-for-profit, joint powers agency formed as a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program by San Mateo County and all 20 of its cities and towns in 2016, and joined by the City of Los Banos in 2020. As a CCA, Peninsula Clean Energy offers many environmental and economic benefits to its residential and business customers. The Board of Directors consists of elected officials from each of the 20 cities within the County of San Mateo, plus the city of Los Banos, and from the county (representing unincorporated areas of San Mateo County).

For more information, please visit:’s mission is to reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by commuters to decrease congestion, improve the environment, and enhance quality of life. This is done by encouraging and supporting the use of sustainable alternatives to driving alone. They envision a region where all residents and employees have access to equitable, sustainable, affordable, and safe transportation options and use them as their primary modes when commuting on the Peninsula. is a joint powers agency (JPA) located in San Mateo County, California. The JPA is comprised of 19 cities and towns as well as the County of San Mateo.

For more information, please visit:

The San Francisco International Airport/Community Roundtable was established in 1981 as a voluntary committee to address community noise impacts from aircraft operations at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The Roundtable monitors a performance-based noise mitigation program implemented by airport staff, interprets community concerns and attempts to achieve noise mitigation through a cooperative sharing of authority among the aviation industry, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), SFO management and local government.

To submit a noise report, please visit:

For more information, please visit:

The City Selection Committee is required to appoint city representatives to board, commissions, and agencies as required by law. (California Government Code §50270). City Selection Committee is comprised of Mayors of all 20 incorporated cities/towns in San Mateo County.

For more information, please visit:

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