
Colma’s residents and businesses are eligible for several rebates and programs that improve energy efficiency, water conservation and electrification.

rainwater barrelFree Rainwater Barrels Lawn Be Gone Rebates

This free rainwater barrel is an easy way to capture rainwater to water your plants and save up to $200 off a qualifying barrel.

Visit BAWSCA for more details. The Lawn Be Gone! program offers a rebate of up to $4 per sq. ft. to replace your lawn with a beautiful drought-tolerant landscape. The addition of a Rain Garden to the project could earn an additional $300 rebate!

Find more information on how to apply here.


solar panelFree Home Energy Upgrades, Rebates and More!

Get $1,000-$3,000 rebates for select energy efficiency upgrades.

See  San Mateo County Energy Watch for more information.



washing machineEnergy efficient product rebates

Buy energy-efficient products and save money.

See PG&E for qualified products for a rebates online!




ECO100Enroll in ECO100 for 100% clean, renewable electricity with Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions!




tool kit

Free Home Energy Toolkit

Check-It-Out Home Energy and Water Saving Toolkit for Colma and other San Mateo County residents for a basic assessment of home energy and water efficiency!

Residents can not only save money on utility bills, you can increase learn to increase comfort in your home.

Check out what comes in the toolkit!






Free program provides your home’s energy use and recommendations for savings.

Catch the hidden energy hogs in your home and helps you prioritize energy improvements!

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